Apsley F.C. – 1907
Winners Herts County League – 1906/07
Winners Herts County Cup - 1905/06
Under depressing conditions the City secured a decisive victory at Apsley on Saturday in the Herts County League. It was thought the ground would be eminently suitable for footer on Saturday because of the frosts and strong winds, but it was soon found that the pitch was like a bog. The players slipped about in all directions and it was hard to get along. Watercress beds surround the ground and, although there were three balls available, on certain occasions all were in the water at once, so that our readers will understand that good footer was impossible. The Apsley players were accustomed to the ground, but on only very few occasions did they get past the City halves and then they were met by the backs, who proved “stonewalls”. The game was won by the better team and although one or two of the referee’s decisions were rather disputed, the City team have played less efficient officials. The Apsley men had a decided advantage but the City is now a team whose players understand their partners and they want a lot of beating. For Apsley, the goalie could not do much with the goals scored against him and the backs played a safe game. The forwards were very good, the best being the centre-forward. The weak spot in the team was the half-back line. The three players were continually out of position and never ready when wanted. For the visitors, Kerrison played well and the backs gave a fine account of themselves, Thomas’ long drives being especially fine. Green and Price were fine and Davis showed a decided improvement. The forwards all played well and Weston is a good man in a good position.
Reprinted from “The Herts Advertiser and St Albans Times” 20th February 1909 |