Harold Figg
“FIGG – A FRUITFUL FORWARD”For once the follower of the black and amber team ceases his moaning and assumes a gay and joyous demeanour. The silver lining which we are taught to discern in the dark cloud has revealed itself and the City enthusiast is smiling. The essence of it all is that the Clarence Park protagonists have found their forward line and have pulverised their opponents to the tune of five goals to nil. Figg(right), who contributed towards the City’s first away victory in the match on the previous Saturday, surpassed himself on this occasion and succeeded in performing the hat trick. He appears to be the man the City have been looking for and joins with the other four members of the attack, who every one gave a most attractive display, in making up a useful forward line, though next Saturday’s match at Clarence Park is likely to prove a greater test of its competence than the match with the Newportonians, who do not occupy a very prominent position on the League and were further handicapped by the absence of one of their most useful forwards, Kenhope. In the first half they played only ten men, though C.W.Bainton afterwards turned out and occupied the left half position. Reverting to the City team, is it merely a coincidence that this victory should have been obtained by an eleven in which not one change was made from the previous Saturday ?
Reprinted from “The Hertfordshire News” – 3rd March 1920. |