Move to:
Detszi Krusznski
Born: 14/10/1960 , Tczew, Poland
Former Poish Under 18 international who prior to joining The Saints played for Peterborough United, Coventry City, Brentford and Wimbledon.

Change player:
Detszi Krusznski's playing record
Season Started. Used Sub. Goals Yellows Reds
Season 1994-95 14 1 0 0 0
Total 14 1 0 0 0
By season | In opening squad | Substituted in | Goals | Yellow cards | Red cards

Detszi Krusznski's full debut
24.01.1995 at 15:00 FA Trophy / 1st Round H Kidderminster Harriers 2 - 3

Latest opening squad appearances (max.10)Detszi Krusznski started
06.04.1995 at 19:45 Diadora Premier League A Hendon 1 - 1
04.04.1995 at 19:45 Diadora Premier League H Yeading 1 - 1
01.04.1995 at 15:00 Diadora Premier League A Sutton United 1 - 5
28.03.1995 at 19:45 Diadora Premier League H Aylesbury United 2 - 1
21.03.1995 at 19:45 Diadora Premier League H Hayes 1 - 1